If you have contact dermatitis, then it’s important to keep your skin clear of everyday irritants.It’s very easy to get exposed to dust and chemicals, especially if you do lots of housework. And some articles recommend simply wearing gloves when doing the dishes. But many people – myself included – find that even the latex […]
Category Archives: News
If you have a dust mite allergy, you’re not alone. Dust mite allergies are one of the most common reasons for itching, runny nose and asthma. In warm and humid Singapore, dust mites can be found by the millions in beds, carpets, pillows and sofas. They feed on the dead skin shed by humans and […]
Anybody who has eczema knows that it can be difficult to know what will trigger a flare up. Before I discovered I had a dust mite allergy, I tried the usual remedies; applying moisturiser, avoiding the sun, and using non-fragrant soaps such as Hospigel. But nothing seemed to stop the itch, and it got worse […]
A Japanese study reveals that eating greens may just be exactly what you need to give your baby an eczema-free life. According to Asia One, “A larger intake of green and yellow vegetables, citrus fruit, and vegetables and fruit high in beta-carotene (generally those that are red and orange coloured) may lessen the risk of […]
Singapore is the first country in Asia to approve a new form of treatment for eczema known as Ustekinumab. This treatment is delivered in the form of a jab, and targets the immune system, unlike typical steroid medication. From ChannelNewsAsia: According to the National Skin Centre, the condition affects over 2,000 people here every year. Currently, […]
According to the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, March 2010, babies who breast feed for longer periods may actually be more likely to develop eczema. According to an article in Reuters: “The study followed 321 infants who were at increased risk of allergies because their mothers had a history of asthma. Researchers found that among […]
The Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*Star) Singapore has come up with a technology that helps researches analyze the quality of sleep. Eczema sufferers have long known that if their skin is calm, they wake up more refreshed, and if not, they wake up groggy and irritated. The reason is of course due to […]
One is a grammy award winning singer, and the other has won numerous Star Awards. And both have to deal with eczema in their lives. According to Jacelyn Tay’s quote in an article in the Business Times: “I’ve got eczema, rosacea and a very sensitive scalp, on which so far I can only use two […]