Author Archives: Bee

I had no idea that my skin self-destructs everyday: MinuteEarth explains

A nice and simple explanation of our skin by MinuteEarth. While our skin is not as tough as elephant hide or pangolin scales, the video explains that it’s pretty much made up of the same stuff, keratin. And that 500 new skin cells are formed every second, pushing out from the underlying epidermis. Upon reaching […]

How to Relieve Contact Dermatitis with Gloves In A Bottle (Shielding Lotion)

If you have contact dermatitis, then it’s important to keep your skin clear of everyday irritants.It’s very easy to get exposed to dust and chemicals, especially if you do lots of housework. And some articles recommend simply wearing gloves when doing the dishes. But many people – myself included – find that even the latex […]