There is no perfect climate that will guarantee skin relief from eczema. Those with oily skin might find relief in drier climates, and those with very dry, scaly skin may feel better in higher humidity. But with the haze coming back to Singapore, combined with the intense daytime heat, there’s never been a better time […]
Forget Arial, Calibri and Times New Roman. For their annual calendar, French studio Karozen created a custom-made typeface made of photos of skin, eyes and hair. According to designer JC Debroize, the fonts were first made in clay and photographed. Then, they photoshopped images of hair, skin and eyes to make the creepy fonts below. […]
“The itch is unbearable. I try and ignore it. It’s impossible. It agitates me. I use all my strength and I tear at my skin. I am violent. I scratch back and forth until there is blood. It is too raw to do any more. I am filled with rage and humiliated.” CNN International anchor […]
In between filming Top Gear, James May tells us exactly what an itch is. For some reason, watching it gave me itches all around my ears and neck. Watch and share if you’re itching to mess with your friends.
Does the type of clothing you wear to sleep at night make a difference in your quality of sleep? In what is probably the biggest test of its kind, the Royal Free London NHS Foundation & University of Nottingham started a 2 year long study with 300 children to see if wearing silk clothing could help them […]
A toxin produced by a common bacteria causes eczema-like rashes. That’s a new finding made by University of Michigan Medical School researchers and their colleagues. In a paper published in Nature, the team reports that a toxin produced by the common bacteria Staphylococcus aureus – popularly known as “staph” – causes immune-system cells in the skin to react in a way that produces […]
Scotland-based sculptor creates totally gross-out works of art from what looks like real human skin. When you think about skin and art, tattoos typically come to mind. But artist Jessica Harisson has taken skin and art in a completely different direction. In these sculptures, she crafts small handheld pieces that look like Hannibal Lecter’s side […]
Do antibacterial soaps do a better job a killing germs? US regulators don’t think so. In fact, it may be doing much worse. The primary ingredient in many antibacterials soaps, triclosan, may be responsible for an increase in childhood allergies. According to Johns Hopkins Children’s Centre, triclosan has been linked to an impact in immune […]