Author Archives: Bee

Natural mosquito repellant – Citronella

With Zika virus outbreak, we are all more diligent in ensuring we are armed with mosquito repellent whenever we go out. For us with sensitive skin, we need to be cautious with the ingredients that are used in the mosquito repellent ointment or spray that are available in the market. Citronella oil is a natural […]

How I Overcame Topical Steroid Withdrawal After 2 Years

Finally after 8 years, I can smell the roses. 2 years ago, I decided to embark on the journey of topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). It has been a roller-coaster life experience, testing my mental and physical strength to the limit. But with every life challenge, we draw strength from it and grow stronger, changing our […]

Natural antihistamine – Quercetin

One of a very common eczema trigger or allergy is external environmental factors eg. dust mites (most common) or chemicals that exists in detergent, hand soap etc. If your skin comes in contact with these allergens, your body will react to produce histamines and that causes itching and rashes flareups. Doctors would commonly prescribe antihistamine or […]

Probiotics for Healthy Skin

We are all well aware that probiotics are good for the digestive system. In addition, the good bacteria colony is also essential for promoting healthy skin and balancing our skin’s flora (microorganism which resides on the skin). These microorganisms help with our skin’s immune system and to fight bad bacteria and fungus. Most skin diseases […]

Healthy Carbohydrate Sources – Oat & Quinoa

Most of us consume carbohydrate sources which are highly processed like yellow noodle, white bread, deep-fried frozen french fries, pizza dough etc. The raw ingredient that was derived have already lost most of the nutrition through the processing, packaging and storage. Thus, we can only derive carbohydrate as energy source from these food. These are common […]

Book Review – The Eczema Diet by Karen Fischer

This is by far the most comprehensive and useful book related to the eczema diet that i have read. And it’s has been a very good guide in my current eczema diet. The first page has a very powerful message – To appreciate the healing power of food, you must first have something to heal. And from […]

Dairy substitutes

One of my readers asked me for advice on what is the one food ingredient to avoid because her baby’s eczema seems to be flaring up more. She suspected that food may be the culprit. My recommendation was : DAIRY(cow’s milk) – simply because it is the most common allergenic food. One of the common cow’s milk […]