Nobody feels happy with new rash spots but when new spots of rashes developed below my armpit, I felt excited. Anyway, we must look at things positively right? So begins my train of thought, I never applied any steroid cream there, so it’s not ‘damaged’ skin per say. It’s not that dry, with this hot […]
Thanks to a friend’s recommendation to use Tubifast glove, now I can drive at ease and not worry about heat rash or drying fingers from the sun rays when I hold on to the steering wheel during mid day. Last week my fingers flared up again after a long drive in the afternoon. So I […]
One morning, I was revising my nutrition course on vitamins and minerals – their effectiveness, deficiency symptoms and food sources. My 6-year old was at home during school holiday and came peering into my laptop screen. Our conversation started : Boy : Mama, I know what Vitamin A is good for – it improves night vision. […]
The title of the book itself attracted me to borrow it from the library last week. The book is primarily written in conversation format ie. question and answer. Discussion evolves mostly around issues concerning the US diet of fast food fad and obesity. It encourages whole food , specifically plant based diet. In the middle […]
Looked through numerous TCM sites and summarized here the food that occurs most often as cooling foods which can help cool down my body whenever i have to run errands under the sun.
Most TCM and ayuverdic practitioner would suggest to include tumeric, which can help you reduce skin inflammation so that you can get relief from itchiness and pain during any skin flareup. Tumeric has a powerful anti-oxidant called curcumin, which is also an anti-inflammatory food. One pleasant and easy way to include tumeric into your food […]
When I was looking for a skin care/skin health related book at the library last month, this book caught my eye purely base on the title – Skin Cleanse: The Simple, All-Natural Program for Clear, Calm, Happy Skin It was an easy to read book, first introducing our skin as an organ and going a […]
Do you wonder whether certain kinds of foods cause your skin to flare up? When I did my skin prick test for food last year at National Skin Centre, the skin specialist mentioned that it’s not exhaustive because they only have samples for up to 30 common food specimens. Typically we end up eating a […]